Cattle for sale
At Job’s Country we breed our cattle in December through March for a fall calf crop and late May through August for a spring calf crop. We deliberately plan these breeding seasons for the well being of the cattle, lessening hardships due to weather conditions. Records are kept on bulls placed with cows to eliminate mistakes on a given sire.
At our Westhoff ranch our Brahman calves are weighed and given vitamins/minerals and ear tagged within 24 hours of birth. When they are around 2 months of age, they are introduced to feed every morning. All Job’s Country calves are weaned between 5 to 6 months of age depending on forage conditions. At this time the Brahmans are weighed, measured and all are vaccinated. All weaned calves are placed in our feedlot on a self feeder containing grain with a limiter so they don’t overeat, with free choice hay or grass depending on time of year. Our Brahmans and F-1’s are usually held until breeding age. We consign to area special sales but we also have had buyers come to our ranch in Westhoff, Texas. With our crossbred cattle we select top heifers for cow replacements and sell the balance at our local cattle market.
ABBA also has a bull development program and an EAR program for our Brahman bulls and steers. These programs have given us another outlet that promotes the Brahman breed.
Job’s Country will be promoting our cattle for sale on this website as well. We welcome phone calls or emails pertaining to our cattle business.
"For every animal of the forest is mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills."
Contact Us Today!
L. Oscar and Brenda J Perez
11771 FM 240
Westhoff, Texas 77994
Brenda: (361) 550-3432
Oscar: (361) 571-4619